Varicose Veins in Your 20's
Uncategorized Elmore Medical Uncategorized Elmore Medical

Varicose Veins in Your 20's

More than 80 million Americans suffer from venous disease, a medical condition that can lead to further health problems if ignored. Varicose and spider veins are often considered medical issues that only older adults develop. But did you know that young adults are also at risk for vein disease?

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Are Varicose Veins Always Visible?
Uncategorized Elmore Medical Uncategorized Elmore Medical

Are Varicose Veins Always Visible?

When you think of vein disease, you most likely think of large, bulging blue or purple veins popping out of your leg. While the cosmetic appearance of vein problems tend to steal the spotlight, vein disease goes deeper than cosmetic concerns.

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