Summer Vein Health Tips

a person rubbing their legs while on a towel

Summertime in the Central Valley is in full swing. All of these 100+ degree days are a good reminder to prioritize leg health during the summer months.

The warmer weather can present a multitude of problems for those with varicose veins. The heat can intensify common symptoms such as swelling, aching or heavy legs, and burning or throbbing sensations.

But you don’t have to suffer through this difficult season - follow these helpful tips to make the most out of your summer.

Stay Hydrated

We know you’ve heard it a thousand times, but are you actually drinking enough water throughout the day? While this is important for vein (and overall) health, year-round, the heat causes us to perspire more during the summer months. Drinking plenty of water can prevent the cramping associated with dehydration that can worsen varicose vein symptoms. Plus, staying hydrated helps with overall blood flow.

Stick to Your Diet

Summer is filled with vacations, pool parties, and other reasons to overindulge. While there’s nothing wrong with giving into temptation from time to time, sticking to an overall healthy diet can help keep your veins feeling good. Take advantage of all the delicious fruit that’s in season. Strawberries, cherries, blueberries, bananas and watermelon are all naturally rich in nutrients such as vitamin C or minerals like potassium.

Remember the Sunscreen

This is good advice for protecting all of your skin, but especially the skin on your legs. While sunburn won’t cause varicose veins, it will increase the temperature of your skin and create inflammation causing your blood vessels to dilate and symptoms to worsen. Other tips; avoid direct sun exposure during midday and grab a coverup if you plan to be outside for a long period of time.

Keep it Moving

The heat can make it difficult, and even dangerous, to exercise outdoors, but it’s important to keep the blood pumping throughout the year. Try to adjust your exercise schedule so that you can take advantage of the cooler early morning and evening times. Consider a gym membership if the heat makes outdoor exercise too difficult. And don’t forget to swap out the flip-flops for sneakers or supportive sandals when you can.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the summer months more, and worry less about your vein health.

Elmore Medical Vein & Laser Treatment Center is the premier vein specialty medical practice in the Central Valley. Dr. Mario H. Gonzalez and his staff offer years of experience and medical expertise that you won’t find anywhere else. Contact us today to set up a consultation appointment.


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