What to do About Facial Spider Veins

Woman looking in mirror applying makeup

Spider veins, along with varicose veins, are most commonly associated with the legs and lower areas of the body. However, they can appear anywhere the blood flow may be affected, including the face. Spider veins on the face, otherwise known as facial telangiectasias, can be incredibly distressing due to being in a place on the body where they are front and center for everyone to see unlike the legs, which can be hidden.

In this article, we’ll discuss what spider veins are, what causes them to appear on the face and what methods of prevention and treatment exist to help you get rid of them.

What are facial spider veins and what causes them to appear?

Spider veins are veins that are visible through the skin. They often look like a web of thin red or purple lines. Spider veins can form anywhere on the body, but they are most common on the legs, face, and torso.

Spider veins are blood vessels that have broken and formed in clusters just below the surface of the skin, making them easily visible. They are typically harmless and pose no serious threat unlike varicose vein disease which might.

Some causes of spider veins, facial or otherwise include:

  • Genetics- many types of vein disease can be passed down from generation to generation including facial spider veins

  • Sun exposure- the sun can damage cells causing them to weaken which can lead to various forms of vein disease.

  • Aging- much like our bones and muscles get weaker as we get older, so do our blood vessels and valves. Weaker valves lead to a higher risk of vein disease.

  • Pregnancy- changes in hormones and weight are big factors in vein health which is why pregnant women have a high risk of spider veins and varicose veins

  • Drinking alcohol- consumption of alcohol can enlarge the blood vessels leading to them being more visible than they would normally be

The emotional effects of having spider veins on your face

The emotional effects of having spider veins on your face can be significant. Many people feel self-conscious about their appearance and may avoid social situations. This can lead to feelings of isolation and depression. If that is the case, please seek the help you deserve from a qualified mental health professional or consider spider vein treatment, which can help improve the appearance of spider veins and restore confidence.

Methods of prevention and treatment for spider veins on the face

Spider veins are usually harmless, but they can be a cosmetic concern for some people. Here are some everyday steps for prevention as well as come treatment options if normal prevention does not work to your liking. Always remember to consult and discuss treatment options with your trusted vein specialist before undergoing any treatment for spider veins.


There are also a few methods of prevention:

  • Wearing sunscreen/face protection- UV light from the sun can easily damage veins over time, so wearing a proper SPF sunscreen (that is preferably environmentally friendly) and/or some type of hat or covering can help keep your skin safe

  • Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption- a high intake of alcohol can damage both the liver and can enlarge veins so reducing the amount you drink can improve vein health

  • Drinking plenty of water- water does the body good and helps the blood flow properly throughout the body while getting much-needed oxygen to places it needs to be

  • Investing in a proper skincare routine- making sure your skin is as healthy as possible through the use of a routine including medicinal creams/lotions and splashing warm (not hot) water on your face can go a long way

  • Eating vein healthy foods- foods high in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids help strengthen the veins and blood vessels in your body leading to a lower risk of vein diseases such as spider veins


Spider veins and their underlying cause are easily treatable, and our innovative procedures require little-to-no discomfort and downtime.

Sclerotherapy is the most effective method of treating the majority of spider veins. An irritating (sclerosing) solution is injected directly into the vein through a tiny micro-needle. The vein closes and then disappears with normal healing. Sclerotherapy has become the gold standard in spider vein treatment.

Facial spider veins, while not as common as those that appear on the legs, can be just as unsightly. Fortunately, there are a variety of things you can do to prevent or treat any facial spider veins that may appear. These can include wearing sunscreen/face protection, eating healthy, lowering alcohol intake and getting sclerotherapy treatment.

Before undergoing any type of treatment, it’s important to consult with a vein doctor like Dr. Mario Gonzalez at Elmore Medical to discover which method is right for your specific case

Elmore Medical Vein & Laser Treatment Center is the premier vein specialty medical practice in the Central Valley. Dr. Mario H. Gonzalez and his staff offer years of experience and medical expertise that you won’t find anywhere else. Contact us to set up a consultation appointment.


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