Walk Your Way to Healthier Veins

a group of people walking on a trail

One of the best things you can do for your overall health is to keep moving. However, itchy, painful varicose veins don’t exactly make you want to take a stroll around the neighborhood. 

Many varicose vein sufferers stop moving as much as they should. Yet, walking is exactly what our bodies need; it’s what they were designed to do. In fact, the most common reason for feeling achy after walking is simply because you need to be walking more.

Small lifestyle changes can work wonders on varicose veins, and walking is an ideal choice for making those veins less visible, as well as less painful.

Varicose veins are caused by a vein’s inability to properly pump blood upwards through your body. As a result, the blood pools in the lower leg which causes the veins to swell and ache. Veins require proper muscle contraction in order to keep the blood flowing upwards, against the pressure of gravity. This makes walking a perfect lifestyle choice for good venous health, as it creates the pressure needed for proper blood flow. A daily, brisk walk contracts the muscles that help your veins to circulate blood so that it doesn’t sit uncomfortably in the lower leg.

Good venous health requires good circulation, and exercise improves your overall circulation. But you don’t need to join a fancy gym or pick up Zumba. Instead, find ways to add more walking to your daily routine.

Here are a few simple ways to add more walking to your day:

  1. Get up and walk around your office, home, or even around the block every hour if you find yourself sitting for long periods of time.

  2. Park farther away from the entrance at work, stores, etc.

  3. Take the stairs when possible.

  4. Walk to work, lunch, or the store if it is close enough to do so.

Walking doesn’t only benefit your veins and circulation: it also helps your heart. Your venous health depends on your heart’s ability to circulate blood through your body. Frequent brisk walks help to strengthen the heart, which leads to better circulation.

If you aren’t getting a minimum of 5,000 steps a day (10,000 if you are younger and healthier), don’t overdo it right away. Start slowly with 2,000 steps a day, then add 100 steps each day. This will help prevent achiness and fatigue, and encourage you to keep going.

If you are not currently experiencing varicose vein symptoms, walking can also help to prevent varicose veins from forming.

So get out there and start adding some steps to your day.

Elmore Medical Vein & Laser Treatment Center is the premier vein specialty medical practice in the Central Valley. Dr. Mario H. Gonzalez and his staff offer years of experience and medical expertise that you won’t find anywhere else. Contact us to set up a consultation appointment.


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