Does Wearing High Heels Contribute to Varicose Veins?

The high heel has become an iconic fashion staple for many women, but the truth is that high heels can have a detrimental effect on vein health. According to a study on the effect of high heels on venous function, wearing high heels regularly has been linked to an increased risk of "venous hypertension in the lower limbs and may represent a causal factor of venous disease symptoms." 

While high heels may be fashionable, it's important to understand how they could potentially impact your long-term vein health and what you can do to reduce your chances of developing varicose veins from wearing them too much. 

The correlation between high heels and varicose veins 

Varicose veins occur when the valves in your veins become weak and allow blood to pool in them, leading to bulging vessels that can cause pain and discomfort. The reason high heels can be a potential cause of venous disease is that wearing high heels impairs the action of the calf muscle pump. This includes platform heels, stiletto heels, and other heels. 

What is the calf muscle pump? This term refers to the important role that the calf muscles play in returning blood through the veins in the legs. When we are standing or sitting, the force of gravity naturally tends to push the blood in our leg veins down, towards our feet. To combat this downward force, the body has two primary methods of helping veins to return blood back up towards the heart and lungs. First, the one-way valves inside the veins help keep blood from backtracking. Second, when the muscles in the calf contract, this helps to pump the blood up towards the heart. You activate your calf muscles any time you flex your ankle. 

Walking barefoot or in normal soled shoes is a great way to activate the calf muscle pump, thereby promoting venous return. However, wearing high heels temporarily impairs our ability to activate that muscle pump. This is because high heels limit how much we can move the ankle joint. With less activation of the calf muscle pump, blood starts to back up in the leg veins, causing higher internal venous pressure. Over time, higher venous pressure can lead to varicose veins and leg pain, aches, and swelling. 

Ways to reduce your chances of developing varicose veins from wearing high heels 

Fortunately, there are things that you can do to reduce your chances of developing these painful and unsightly veins from wearing high-heeled shoes. In this article, we will explore ways to reduce your chances of developing varicose veins from wearing high heels.  

1) Wear high heels only in moderation. If you normally wear them, try to limit yourself to no more than four hours per day, and be sure to take breaks every hour or two while wearing them. 

2) Try alternate lower leg strengthening exercises such as calf raises and ankle circles, which can help improve circulation in the legs. 

3) Opt for a heel that is not quite as high. The higher the heel, the more likely it is to cause problems with your veins. Additionally, you should wear the right size shoe; shoes that are too small can restrict blood flow and cause further vein problems. 

4) Wear compression stockings when wearing high-heeled shoes for extra support and improved circulation, as well as reduced swelling. You can purchase these online or at most pharmacies or medical supply stores. 

5) Elevate your feet whenever possible to help reduce swelling in the calves and ankles, which will also improve vein health. This is especially important if you are spending long periods of time standing, such as at a wedding or party where you are likely to be standing for several hours. 

Closing Thoughts 

High heels can be a fashionable and fun way to add something special to your look, but it’s important not to forget the potential long-term effects they may have on vein health. By increasing your awareness and following these tips, you can reduce the risk of developing varicose veins and keep your veins healthy!

Elmore Medical Vein & Laser Treatment Center is the premier vein specialty medical practice in the Central Valley. Dr. Mario H. Gonzalez and his staff offer years of experience and medical expertise that you won’t find anywhere else. Contact us to set up a consultation appointment.


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