Does Cellulite Cause Varicosities?

a person measuring their waist

If you are unfamiliar with cellulite, then congratulations! You are part of a small percentage of the population who is not afflicted with this fatty buildup. However, if you are like the roughly 90% of women and 10% of men who do have cellulite, then you are aware that cellulite is a collection of fat that pushes against the connective tissue beneath your skin. 

Most notably seen in the thigh, stomach and derrière, cellulite is an incredibly common feature that typically develops as a part of puberty. It is nothing to be ashamed of, but can have a connection with any varicosities that occur in your body.

Much of the same factors that cause cellulite to form are also the main cause of varicose veins including:

  • Genetics

  • Hormones 

  • Lack of exercise 

  • Poor muscle tone 

All of these factors can contribute to impeded blood flow, which is one of the most important aspects for preventing vein disease. When your blood is flowing properly, your blood is able to properly flow to the other areas of the body outside of the lower extremities. 

The blood keeps moving as opposed to pooling in the legs or thighs, which can easily happen with improper circulation. This improper blood flow may lead to someone having unsightly varicose veins or spider veins in their legs or ankles. 

While cellulite does not cause varicose veins, both of these concerns can be addressed by the same preventative measures.

1. Exercise

It is great to keep in shape in general, but there are specific activities that can really fight cellulite and varicose veins. These include both cardio (aerobic exercise) and the building of muscle tone. Aerobic exercise such as jumping rope or taking brisk walks gets the blood pumping and increases your circulation, meaning there's a lower chance your blood will pool in your legs and ankles. Building muscle tone by using your own body weight or with the help of added weights can help reduce the fat in your body making the cellulite appear smaller or even nonexistent depending on how severe it is. 

2. Diet

Eating right is just as important as daily exercise. Consuming fats and sugars can lead to both an increase in weight and a decrease in the ability for blood to flow through the body. Instead try to eat lean proteins and foods rich in Vitamins A and C. These help with blood circulation and help reduce the fat in your body leading to a lower risk for varicosities and fat build up.

3. Avoiding direct sunlight

While it is important to soak up the sun on occasion, direct sunlight can cause harmful effects to your cellulite and varicosities. Harmful UV rays can emphasize the appearance of wrinkled skin, and heat from the sun can lead to swelling and pain.

While cellulite doesn’t directly cause varicosities, they do share many of the underlying symptoms that cause them. The team at Elmore Medical are experts in the field of vein health. Schedule a free screening today to see what Dr. Gonzalez and his team can do for you.

Elmore Medical Vein & Laser Treatment Center is the premier vein specialty medical practice in the Central Valley. Dr. Mario H. Gonzalez and his staff offer years of experience and medical expertise that you won’t find anywhere else. Contact us to set up a consultation appointment.


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